Frequently Asked Questions

What are the total costs?

We charge a fee only to run the event smoothly. There are no sponsorships, so we rely on contributions. Please assess your needs:

  • ​$100 = you have little to no disposable income OR you are a speaker OR contribute in other ways to running the event
  • ​$333 = you have normal disposable income or you pay that amount of money for similar products as well
  • ​$666+ = you have an amount of wealth that gives you independence, i.e. you don't rely on a salary for the foreseeable future and you're in a position to help guests with low disposable income (e.g. artists, entrepreneurs)

Please note this covers only the costs of the event, and does not include accommodation nor food and beverages.

Do you offer financial assistance?

It is our desire to be as inclusive as possible. We have limited opportunities to provide financial assistance. Please reach out to Sam if this is relevant for you.

Is this event right for me?

Our event is right for you if you are interested in and/or involved in African development, free zones, (regenerative) technological innovation, supporting human flourishment and helping our planet.

What can I expect from the event?

The 4-day event will feature speakers and unconference-style workshops mainly focused on ThreeFold and OurWorld, other projects in attendance, regenerative technology, all in the African context.

​The event is open to contributions to speak, lead workshops, pitch competition - you will have opportunities to speak!

Where can I stay? What are the accommodation options?

Please get in touch with Sam to learn more.

Is Zanzibar safe?

Zanzibar is quite safe. Of course we would recommend exercising caution as with anywhere in the world, in terms of securing your values and traveling in groups at night.

Where can I eat?

Safely-washed and prepared food is available at the hotel on the grounds of the event. If you would like to eat outside in Zanzibar, typically this is not a problem. There are plenty of restaurants in Mbweni and Stone Town and all across the island that follow safety standards. That said there are also many street food vendors, stalls, and small local restaurants where we cannot say for sure that this is the case. Please know yourself and eat at your own level of comfort / at your own risk.

Is there any specific dress code to follow in Zanzibar?

Zanzibar is a predominantly muslim island and therefore it’s best to respect by not wearing anything too exposing or revealing. This goes for any gender. On the event grounds themselves, we do not have any specific dress code.

What is the weather like in November?

Zanzibar is a tropical island and it is quite warm all year. November can be warm, humid, and rainy. This time is called the 'short rains.' These are typically lighter than the main rains of May and June, and less consistent. Still, better to be prepared.

I would like to stay longer, after the event is over. Is anything being organized?

We invite those who would like to stay longer to stay with us at the apartments or the hotel. You can feel free to work, co-work, and co-create. We can continue the conversations from the event and take action together. Conversely, you are welcome to stay and explore the island.

I have more questions.

Please join our Telegram group. This makes it easier for us to reply and share information with others.